Canadian Master Classes 2018 Ontario
Certified Teachers Class
If you wish to become a certified teacher, teach while earning an extra income or simply learn all the different techniques related to Paverpol, from crakling paste to dying the transparent…how to work Paverplast with wrappers, Arstone.. this class is held in two days.
Paverpol Yoga statuette class
Cours Paverpol statuette Yoga
Vous aimez le Yoga? Venez faire une petite statuette assise, et apprenez à faire l’argile de rose Paverpol. Vous apprendrez aussi à travailler notre produit Releif decoration et le tape à hockey
You love Yoga? Come make this small sitting statuette and learn to work with our Paverpol Rose clay. You will also learn how to work with Releif decoration and hockey tape

Paverpol 3 Ladies with Candle Holder class
Paverpol class: 3 dames avec chandelier/3 Ladies with Candle holder
$115,00+tx produits Paverpol products inc.
Paverpol, Paversand and Releif deco, a project fun to work, with a beautiful and decorative result that can be a beautiful Candelabra for your home and be outside in the garden in Summertime.
(pre-requisite of one day class)
Paverpol, Paversand et Releif deco, un projet amusant à travailler, qui donne une belle sculpture Chandelier pour la maison et qui peut être mise au jardin cet été.
(pré-requis d’un cours Paverpol)

Granit birds
Come and create Granit effect birds, and learn how to work with our new product “Paverscrub”
(no pre-requisite)
Artstone statue on vase
2-Cours statue bronze , mommifications avec Wrappers et Pate craquelée
Class bronze statue with wrapper mommification and crackling paste
La base n’est pas inclues dans le cours, the base is not included in the class
les participants doivent apporter une base, the participants will need to bring a base.
( vase à l’envers 6 à 12″ de hauteur- vase reversed 6 to 12″ approx)
Sinon des briques seront fournies/ or brick bases will be offered
(Pré-requis d’un cours d’un jour/ pre-requisite of one day class)
Coût/Cost $120.00 (depot$60.00 deposit)